Henan Yuanzheng Metallurgy Technology Co. ,Ltd.

Pellet manufacturers lead pellets briefly the reasons for excessive consumption
 As we all know, it is extracted iron ore pellets commonly used raw material, precisely because of its high quality feature by the people of all ages. There are also customer response, in pellets sometimes occur during use of pellets consumed quickly, not within the normal range, and the use of the effect is not good. Many users do not know what the reason for this phenomenon is that the next pellet manufacturers to introduce you.
1, spray pellet projectile velocity.
2, pellet equipment adjustment (projectile angle, distance; work platform density; precipitator air volume; splitter adjustment).
3, the amount of sand pellets sticky or corrosion levels.
4, the hardness of the workpiece to be cleaned workpiece cleanliness levels.
5, the ball arc high value group is strengthening work requirements.
Excessive consumption of pellets and ineffective not only a waste of time and a waste of raw materials, to bring a certain amount of loss caused at work is not completed within the specified time phenomenon. So pellet manufacturers to remind you when using pellets problems, to timely find out the reasons and resolve.